Local Authority Rent Review

Following consultation with the elected members and commensurate with its powers under the Local Government Acts, the Management Team of Longford County Council have made, by executive decision, the following amendments to the recent Local Authority Rent Review:

  1. The scope of the Appeal Process will be widened to facilitate genuine cases of financial hardship, with the onus being on the tenant to provide evidence of such.
  2. A cap of €35 on the principal tenant plus €15 for every subsequent occupier, will be placed on tenancies where the principal tenant is in receipt of the Non-Contributory Old Age Pension, with the onus being on the tenant to contact the Local Authority and to provide evidence of such.
  3. Income derived from the scheme will be ringfenced for the maintenance and improvement of Local Authority Housing Units.
  4. A full Local Authority Rent Review will be carried out every 3 years from 2019 onwards.