Political Donations by Third Parties

Annual Reporting Requirements - Political Donations by Third Parties

(Local Elections Disclosure of Donations and Expenditure Act, 1999 as amended)

A third party that receives a monetary donation greater than €100 is required to:

  • register with their local authority
  • open a political donations account
  • submit a statement from a financial institution with a certificate and statutory declaration

The statement from a financial institution with a certificate and statutory declaration statement must be submitted no later than 31 March each year

A copy of the “Guidelines for Third Parties Concerning Donations” is now available to download here or can be requested from the Meetings Administrator by emailing meetingsadministrator@longfordcoco.ie.

This guidance document contains information that will assist Third Parties in meeting their obligations. 

It is an offence for a person who is required to comply with any of the above requirements to fail to do so.

Barbara Heslin

Director of Services