Roads Bye-Laws

Roads Bye-Laws

Bye-laws are laws made by Longford County Council for County Longford. See Longford County Council roads-related bye-laws below:

Draft County Longford Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) Rural Local Roads Supplementary Bye-Laws No.1 of 2024

Longford County Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 (No 44 of 2004), as amended, gives notice of its intention to make Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws in respect of public roads within its administrative area. The Draft Bye-Laws, together with associated drawings, are available for inspection below: 

Submissions in writing and addressed to Samantha Healy, Director of Services, Infrastructure Climate Action and Innovation, Longford County Council, Great Water Street, Longford and before 4pm on Friday, 27 September 2024 and marked 'Submission on Draft County Longford Road Traffic Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws No 1 of 2024'

Submissions by email to with the subject line: 'Draft Traffic Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2024'

Longford Appointed Stands (Street Service Vehicles) Bye-Laws 2023

The Longford Appointed Stands (Street Service Vehicles) Bye-Laws 2023 details the locations for street service vehicles (such as taxis and hackneys).

These bye-laws are in accordance with Section 15 of the Road Traffic Act 2002 and Statutory Instrument No 598 of the Road Traffic Act 2002 (Commencement) (No 2) Order 2002. 

See also the Street Service Vehicle Bye-Laws 2023 Map.

County Longford Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) Bye-Laws No 1 2018

The County Longford Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) Bye-Laws No 1 2018 specifies the different speed limits specific to public roads, or parts of public roads, in County Longford.

These bye-laws are in accordance with Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 (No 44 of 2004) and came into effect on 5 November 2019.
See also the Special Speed Limits Bye-Laws No 1 2018 maps.

Longford County Council, Longford Town (Coach and Disabled Parking) Bye-Laws 2017

The Longford County Council, Longford Town (Coach and Disabled Parking) Bye-Laws 2017 are for the control of coach and disabled parking in Longford Town. 

These bye-laws are in accordance with Section 36 of the Roads Traffic Act 1994. 

See also the Appendix Map - Longford Town Disabled and Coach Parking Bay Locations.

Longford County Council (Abbeyshrule) Parking Bye-Laws 2008

The Longford County Council (Abbeyshrule) Parking Bye-Laws 2008 are for the control of parking in Abbeyshrule in the administrative area of County Longford. These bye-laws apply to the cul-de-sac between the L-1103 road and the Royal Canal (approximately 60m north-east of Webb’s Bridge, Abbeyshrule). 

These bye-laws are in accordance with Section 36 of the Roads Traffic Act 1994 and came into effect on Friday, 6 March 2009.  

County Longford Road Traffic Special Speed Limits Bye-Laws (No 1) 2007

The County Longford Road Traffic Special Speed Limits Bye-Laws (No 1) 2007 specifies the different speed limits specific to public roads, or parts of public roads, in County Longford.

These bye-laws are in accordance with Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 (No 44 of 2004) and came into effect on Monday, 9 March 2009.