Longford County Council is committed to providing information and services that are fully accessible to all. This website is designed in accordance with the W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and conforms to most priority 1,2 checkpoints. Accessibility software is available on our websites. This software offers text to speech reading and multilingual translation.
A list of outstanding issues are:
- Some content is published in Portable Document Format (pdf). Most PDF are inaccessible, it is hoped to make this content accessible on a phased basis.
- In so far as is possible all new content published to the site is published in accessible HTML.
If you require information in an alternative format, please contact the Communications section at 043 334 4217, or email
Access Officer
As legislated for in Disability Act 2005 Longford County Council has an appointed Access Officer. The Access Officer is available to help you with any queries that you might have or assistance you may require in relation to the accessibility of information and services provided for by Longford County Council..
The Access Officer is based in the Council offices and can be contacted on 043-3343300 or via email at
Maintaining accessibility
Longford County Council is committed to maintaining and monitoring the accessibility of this website. Please let us know if you encounter any problems. Please contact the Communications section at 043 334 4217, or email