Your Council
Longford County Council is your council. At the centre of the local community, Longford County Council is the authority responsible for local government in County Longford. We are also as a provider of key public services.
Our vision is to make Longford the place to be - a destination of choice for people to live, to work and to visit.
Who we are
A local government body established in 1898, Longford County Council represent our citizens through our County Councillors. Democratically-elected, these 18 councillors represent each of our county's three Municipal Districts (MDs): Ballymahon, Granard and Longford. The Council and MDs are each led by a Councillor who takes up the position of Cathaoirleach (Irish for 'chairperson'). Find out who are our local County Councillors and Cathaoirligh.
We also have a dedicated Management Team, headed by our Chief Executive Paddy Mahon. Also on our Management Team are our three Directors of Services. Find out about more about our Management Team.
Our Councillors and our Management Team members are Designated Public Officials for Lobbying.
What we do
Longford County Council provide and support many essential public services throughout the County, including Economic and Community Development, Housing, Planning, Regeneration, Roads, Water, and Library Services, Local Enterprise Office and Local Sports Partnership services and much more. Find out more on all the Services we offer our citizens.
You can also keep up to date on what is going on in your Council by checking our latest News or by attending our Council and MD meetings.