€199,020 funding received for Connolly Barracks in Longford Town

First round of funding under new THRIVE - Town Centre First Heritage Revival Scheme 

Press Release: 3 June 2024 

Longford County Council has secured €199,020 for the preparation of drawings, up to and including planning approval for the redevelopment of Connolly Barracks into a community and cultural facility.

Received under THRIVE – the Town Centre First Heritage Revival Scheme, this new grant scheme was launched earlier this year. It aims to allow local authorities and the public to reimagine and revitalise town centres though the renovation and reuse of publicly owned vacant or derelict heritage buildings.

THRIVE is delivered under Ireland’s two European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) regional programmes: the Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027, and the Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027.

It was developed by the Southern Regional Assembly and the Northern and Western Regional Assembly, working in close partnership with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Speaking on the announcement Longford County Council Cathaoirleach Cllr Colm Murray said, “It is very encouraging that this funding has been announced following the recent launch of the Council’s Longford Town Centre First Strategy, which has identified the redevelopment of Connolly Barracks as a transformational project within the strategy. This funding will allow the Council to drive forward with detailed plans for this project. This includes a county museum within the Barracks, which is a long-held ambition of the people of Longford. It also includes additional community and cultural uses.”

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