Ensure you can vote in the upcoming referendum
Two upcoming referendums, the Thirty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (The Family) Bill 2023 and the Fortieth Amendment of the Constitution (Care) Bill 2023, will take place on Friday, 8 March 2024.
Polling Stations Open from 7am to 10pm.
Ensure you can vote
To vote in the referendums you must be:
- An Irish Citizen
- At least 18 years of age on polling day
- Ordinarily resident at the address in the constituency in which you wish to vote
- Your name must be on the Register of Electors
Check you are on the register by visiting CheckTheRegister.ie. Alternatively, you can contact Longford County Council by phone to 043 334 35 07 or 043 334 42 24. You can also email franchise@longfordcoco.ie.
Not on the Register or need to update your details?
If you are not on the Register or you need to update your details, there is time to do so.
Submit an online application at CheckTheRegister.ie. You can submit an application form for your name to be included on the Register of Electors by calling us on 043 334 35 07 or 043 334 42 24. You can also email franchise@longfordcoco.ie.
Completed applications must be received by your local authority by Tuesday, 20 February 2024.
Postal and Special Voters
If you are eligible to vote by post or are unable to vote in person due to an illness or disability and are resident in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution, and you are not on the Postal Voters List or Special Voters List, you can apply to be included in those lists.
Get the relevant application form at CheckTheRegister.ie or by calling us on 043 334 35 07 or 043 334 42 24. You can also email franchise@longfordcoco.ie.
Specific criteria for each category can be found on the application form, which must be completed following the notes on the form
Completed applications must be received by the local authority for the area in which you reside by Monday, 12 February 2024.