Minister Troy announces funding for an Enterprise Hub in Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford


Funding announcement for an Enterprise Hub in Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford

On 25 September 2020 Minister of State with responsibility for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Robert Troy TD announced funding for an Enterprise Hub to be located in the centre of Edgeworthstown in County Longford under the Regional Enterprise Development Fund administered through Enterprise Ireland.

Minister Robert Troy TD said:
"I welcome the announcement of the approval of funding today. With this funding, the Old Ulster Bank building will be redeveloped into an enterprise hub that will facilitate up to 38 people with short- and long-term working spaces. This funding is extremely important to fostering a strong and vibrant community in Edgeworthstown. One of the key messages of this government is to lead on the creation and maintenance of high quality and sustainable full employment across all regions of the country by championing enterprise and innovation. This will have significant impact for the county of Longford, as this centre will become a key economic driver, supporting regeneration and economic growth in Longford. While there are challenges ahead, with challenge comes opportunity. As Minister of State in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, I am determined to support projects such as this to ensure our regional communities get every opportunity to develop and grow."

The Longford Hub will be based in an old bank, on the main street in Edgeworthstown, formerly the Ulster Bank building.
A key objective of the hub in Longford is to promote the successful development of emerging businesses that will graduate from the Hub to move out into the wider community contributing to the overall vitality, diversity, and growth of the Longford economy.
The Hub in Edgeworthstown will create a vibrant space which is attractive to people looking to develop business ideas. It will provide concentrated supports to assist enterprises to get established. It will increase the number and quality of job opportunities available for people, reducing the need to move out of the Longford region for career purposes. This hub will offer people and enterprises different types of desk, office and meeting room spaces, utilising the latest technologies and the fastest broadband available in the marketplace. The Edgeworthstown hub will assist with the towns and county’s revival, enterprise and economic development.