URBACT UR Impact project meeting

Longford County Council representatives took part in transnational meeting

Press Release: Monday, 13 May 2024

As part of the URBACT UR Impact project, Longford County Council representatives partook in a transnational meeting in Murcia, Spain from 19-22 March. They joined their partners from across nine other European cities to work on and develop the next phases of the Integrated Action Plans.

The meeting focused on the development of an integrated approach to developing a plan and assessing our ability to measure the impact of the actions that will be included in the plan. To achieve this, the participants had to rethink how problems are framed in order to be able to make sure we are tackling the right problem. The lessons learned during this meeting will be brought back to the local stakeholders in the next meeting of the URBACT Local Group in Ballymahon.

As well as learning about integrated approach and impact, the group got to visit some very interesting sites in Murcia, including the Murcia Rio project which demonstrated how the city redeveloped the area along the river to become part of the city and provide important outdoor spaces for the residents. This visit provided opportunities for learning for Longford and Ballymahon for the redevelopment of areas along the River Inny within Ballymahon.

There was also an opportunity to meet the local URBACT Local Group and learn how they are approaching the project, as well as a meeting with the Deputy Mayor and visit to the Murcia City Hall.

Longford County Council will transfer the learnings from this transnational meeting with the local community in Ballymahon in the delivery of the Pobal le Cheile project.