
  • Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme Projects

    Newcastle Woods to the Royal Canal Greenway

  • High Usage of Water in County Longford

    As a result of the current cold spell, Irish Water/Longford County Council are experiencing high usage of water throughout the County. It is requested that consumers refrain from running taps overnight during the frost and that all consumers check their water supplies for bursts or leaks with particular emphasis on drinkers in farmyards or on lands. Irish Water/Longford County Council would request the co-operation of all consumers in this matter. Thanking you for your co-operation in this matter.

  • Town and Village Funding Announcement 8 January 2021

  • Longford County Council launches WiFi4EU - free Wi-Fi  

    Longford County Council launches WiFi4EU - free Wi-Fi in Longford Ballymahon & Drumlish on Friday 18th December.

  • COVID 19 Emergency Fund For Community Groups

    funding under the Department of Rural & Community Development for the 2nd round of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

  • Response to COVID-19

    Christmas is almost upon us and the doors and shop windows of many businesses that were closed during the Level 5 restrictions are now back open. Our towns are getting busy again. People are spending money, shopping local and supporting local businesses and jobs.

  • Chief Executive Report for November 2020

    The Chief Executive of Longford County Council publishes a monthly report with the latest updates, news and achievements from across the Council.

  • #ShopLongford This Christmas  

    #ShopLongford showcases the many local businesses that make up Longford’s vibrant and thriving small business community

  • National Excellence in Local Government Award

    The 2020 awards were announced online by Ms. Mary Kennedy on Thursday 26th November 2020 with Longford County Council taking the prestigious award for “Outstanding Initiative through the Municipal Districts ”.

  • Chief Executive Report for October 2020

    The Chief Executive of Longford County Council publishes a monthly report with the latest updates, news and achievements from across the Council.