Change of Vehicle Ownership
If you sell, trade-in or otherwise dispose of your vehicle to another person, you must change the name of the ‘Registered Owner’ to the new owner. Otherwise, you will continue to be responsible for parking or other offences relating to the vehicle. Buyers cannot tax their new vehicle until the registration of the change of ownership has gone through.
How to change vehicle ownership
How to change vehicle ownership depends on when the vehicle was first registered and whether you are selling to a private buyer or a motor dealer.
Vehicles registered since 1 January 1993
If the new owner is a private individual, the current registered owner and the new owner must both complete and sign the change of ownership section on the reverse of the Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC). The seller must then send the VRC to the Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division, Department of Transport, Shannon Town Centre, Shannon, County Clare. The VRC will then be sent to the new owner. Alternatively, you can submit the VRC to your local motor tax office for change of ownership if you are taxing your car at the same time.
If the new owner is a motor dealer, complete the RF105 Notification of Transfer of Vehicle Ownership to a Motor Dealer (For Vehicles Registered Since 1 January 1993 Only) form. Part A of this form must be completed by the owner disposing of the vehicle and Part B completed by the motor dealer acquiring the vehicle. Both parties complete the Declaration in Part C. When completed:
- The owner disposing of the vehicle should immediately forward this form to the Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division, Department of Transport, Shannon Town Centre, Shannon, County Clare.
- The owner disposing of the vehicle where already licensed (taxed) will have been issued with a Certificate RF101 and in such cases the Certificate (with change of ownership section not completed) should be surrendered to the Motor Dealer.
Vehicles registered before 1 January 1993
Complete the RF200 Notification of Transfer of Vehicle Ownership Form (For Vehicles Registered Before 1 January 1993 Only). Parts A and C of this form must be completed by the owner disposing of the vehicle and Part B of this form must be completed by the new owner acquiring the vehicle. After the form is completed by both parties:
- The owner disposing of the vehicle should detach Part C of the form and hand it to the new owner.
- The new owner (if not a motor dealer) should enter his/her name and address in the 'Next Owner' section of the vehicle’s Registration Book.
- The owner disposing of the vehicle should immediately forward Parts A and B of this form with the Registration Book to the local Motor Tax Office (unless the new owner is a Motor Dealer).
- In cases where the new owner is a Motor Dealer, the owner disposing of the vehicle should immediately forward Parts A and B of this form to the local Motor Tax Office, however, the Registration Book should NOT be sent to the Motor Tax Office, but should be handed to the Motor Dealer, to be held by the Motor Dealer until the vehicle is sold.
Registration Book Unavailable
Where the owner disposing of the vehicle is unable to provide the Registration Book, an RF134 Application for Replacement Documents Form should be completed and forwarded to the local Motor Tax Office with the appropriate fee.
Further information
Further information on how to change vehicle ownership, including a new online service, can be found on