Certificate of Compliance on Completion 

Certificate of Compliance on Completion

On completion of a construction project, a Certificate of Compliance on Completion is mandatory and must be signed by both the builder and the assigned certifier. The role of the assigned certifier is set out in the supporting Code of Practice as per the Building Control Acts 1990 to 2014. Professionals acting as assigned certifiers are also bound by a code of ethics and professional best practice. 

A certificate of compliance on completion provides a qualified opinion and certifies that the:

  • Building has been built in accordance with the designs filed with the Commencement Notice (and any amendments as may have been notified)
  • Inspection plan, drawn up in line with the Code of Practice, has been implemented using reasonable skill, care and diligence
  • Constructed building complies with the building regulations

The assigned certifier may rely on ancillary certificates provided by others.

You can lodge a Certificate of Compliance on Completion online through the Building Control Management System (BCMS).