Pathways to Funding: Procurement Guidance
Procurement Top Tips
- Request any specific procurement rules or obligations from your funding agency for any of the grants they approve
- You can usually find a procurement guide attached to a funding agency's application
- The procurement table attached contains details of National Procurement Rules that are generally applied to all procurement in Ireland
- You must request quotations from companies and suppliers that are capable of providing your requirement
- All requests for quotations must be the same and each company and supplier must be asked to quote for the same thing. In other words, the same document, same requirement, and same standard
- Where possible seek environmentally green solutions and take lifecycle value into consideration
- You must retain proof that the company or supplier has been paid. Seek acknowledgement if this is not provided.
- Should you require advice on public procurement always go back to the funding agency that provided funding for your project
Public procurement categories
In public procurement, there are generally three procurement categories: goods, works and services.
- Goods: physical products purchased or manufactured on request. There may be an element of service involved, such as when the agreement is for the purchase of goods to be assembled or installed. However, the extent of the service provided is directly related to acceptance of the goods purchased. Goods examples include office supplies and equipment, furniture, vehicles
- Works: related to civil works. It includes new construction of structures, for example, buildings, roads and bridges, as well as renovations, extensions and repairs. Works can also include water and sanitation, transportation and electrical plant infrastructure
- Services: consulting and non-consulting services. Consulting services concerns intellectual and technical output which is not equipment intensive. They may be advisory and project-related and include feasibility studies, project management, engineering services, finance and accounting services, training and development. Non-consulting services involve the use of equipment and specific methodologies. Non-consulting services include equipment maintenance and repair, operation and maintenance services, utility management, installation and maintenance services, surveys and field investigations.
Goods and works are usually provided by businesses, but consulting and non-consulting services are provided by businesses and individuals.
Goods and services: Choosing the correct procurement and advertising procedure
Value of less than €5,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Advertising is not required when seeking quotations of less than €5,000.
- You need a least three quotations in writing from interested and competent suppliers.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Value of between €5,000 and €50,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Must seek a minimum of three written quotations.
- For contracts between €5,000 and €25,000: you may advertise on the European Dynamics Portal (EDP) if this is used by your organisation.
- For contracts over €25,000: you must publish a contract award notice on the EDP, even if your organisation does not use this Portal.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Value of between €50,000 and €221,000: Procedure and advertising:
- You must advertise on the EDP under the Open Procedure section if no Office of Government Procurement (OGP) Central Framework is in place. If an OGP Central Framework is in place this should be used.
- Advertising in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) is optional. The OJEU is on the EDP.
- You must publish contract award notices for all contracts
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Value of over €221,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Must publish an advertisement on the EDP under the Open Procedure section and on the OJEU.
- Must publish contract award notice on the EDP.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Works: Choosing the correct procurement and advertising procedure
Value of less than €200,000: Procedure and advertising:
- While the threshold for advertising on the EDP is now €200,000 (excluding VAT), it is advisable to still advertise on this Portal.
- If not advertised on the EDP, seek at least five written tenders from interested and competent contractors.
- All contracts award notices over €25,000 must be published on the European Dynamics Portal.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Value of between €200,000 and €5,538,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Use an OGP central framework if there is one in place.
- Must advertise on the EDP, under the Open Or Restricted procedures and on the OJUE.
- Must publish the contract award notice on Portal.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Value of above €5,538,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Must advertise on the EDP, if there is no OGP central framework in place, as well as on the OJEU.
- Must publish the contract award notice on the EDP.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to these quotations, this tender and the contract.
Works-Related Services: Choosing the correct procurement and advertising procedure
Value: of less than €50,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Check to see if an OGP centralised framework is in place.
- It is advisable to use the EDP.
- Seek a minimum of five written quotations from interested and competent suppliers.
- Publish all contract awards notices over €25,000 on the European Dynamics Portal.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to this tender and contract.
Value of between €50,000 and €221,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Use an OGP centralised framework if there is one in place.
- Advertise under the Open Procedure section of the European Dynamics Portal.
- Advertising on the OJEU is optional but advisable.
- Publish contract award notice for contracts between €50,000 and €221,000.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to this tender and contract.
Value of above €221,000: Procedure and advertising:
- Use an OGP centralised framework if one is in place.
- Must advertise on the European Dynamics Portal and the OJEU.
- Publish the Contract Award Notice on the Portal.
- Retain all paper and electronic documentation related to this tender and contract.
Further information
See Thresholds above which advertising of contracts in The Official Journal of the EU is obligatory, applicable from 1 January 2024.
See also the Guide to Setting Insurance Level Requirements Routine Low-to-Medium-Risk Goods and Services.
You can also contact the Longford County Council Procurement team at for further information.