Sláintecare Healthy Communities


In 2021, Sláintecare Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health, working with the HSE, local authorities and community agencies, launched the Sláintecare Healthy Communities programme. This initiative will provide increased health and wellbeing services in 19 communities across Ireland, including focused within the Longford Town area. 

What does it mean for the communities of Longford?

This programme will ensure local communities living in the Longford Town area have improved access to health and wellbeing services. One of the ways local people can now access such services is through new safe and inclusive Community Houses. In Longford Town, these Community Houses are located in Ardnacassa and McEoin Park. Supports offered may include education and training courses, homework clubs, men’s groups, parent and toddler groups, youth groups, counselling, access to technology and office facilities.

Local Services Available

Stop Smoking Services

Parenting Programmes

  • Parenting Programmes - To support the mental health of parents and healthy child development, Parenting Programmes will provide families access to evidence based parenting programmes for all families. Either the Triple P or the Parents Plus parenting programmes will be delivered in the 19 Healthy Community areas. For more information about pregnancy, baby and toddler health visit Tusla are a key partner in the development of this element of the programme and their website resource on parenting can be accessed here
  • Parenting Programmes
    Eileen Finan (Manager)
    Phone: 087 055 8549

Healthy Food Made Easy

  • Healthy Food Made Easy - To support and inform a healthier diet, the Healthy Food Made Easy (HFME) programme will provide their nutrition and cookery course that helps people to change to a healthy diet, plan meals on a budget and make easy to cook meals. See the contact list below for details on how to book into a HFME programme. Read more about healthy eating.
  • Healthy Food Made Easy
    Breda Murphy (Coordinator)
    Phone: 087 918 1787
    Angelina (admin)
  • Community Food and Nutrition Worker
    Not in place yet

Social Prescribing

Making Every Contact Count

  • Making Every Contact Count - To encourage and support more people to make healthier choices, the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme will work with local health professionals to ensure they have the capability to deliver brief interventions and advice for all patients regarding healthy behaviours (smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, mental wellbeing, diet and nutrition).
  • Make Every Contact Count
    Duana McArdle
    Phone: 087 376 1552

Contact Us:

Sláintecare Healthy Community
Longford County Council Local Development Officer
Patricia Forde
Mobile: 086 012 3402

HSE Sláintecare Healthy Communities Coordinator
Anthony O'Prey