Community Climate Action Fund
Community Climate Action Fund supports small and large, rural and urban communities for local climate action projects and initiatives.
Through these funded projects, the scheme aims to help build low carbon, sustainable communities which contribute to national climate targets.
Launched by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Longford County Council has been allocated €328,000 for projects under this fund.
Up to 100% funding is available. Community organisations can apply for one of three grant categories depending on the size of the proposed project. These categories are:
- Small scale projects can apply for up to €20,000
- Medium scale projects can apply for between €20,000 to €50,000
- Large projects can apply for between €50,000 and €100,000
Who can apply?
Community organisations must be:
- Not-for-profit
- Located in the operational area of Longford County Council
- Registered with Longford Public Participation Network (PPN), or connected with a collective, such as The Wheel, Tidy Towns or a community group with articles of association or a constitution and which holds an annual general meeting (AGM) with approved minutes available
Only one application per organisation can be submitted and should include three quotes for each element of the project. The application process is competitive and final approval rests with the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.
What type of projects may be funded?
Projects must:
- Be eligible for funding from the Climate Action Fund as set out in the Eligibility section in the Framework document
- Comply with all statutory requirements in relation to planning, building regulations, health and safety, and fire codes, if applicable
In relation to the project, the community organisation is required to:
- Self-certify that they do not have the funding available to undertake the work without support, or alternatively that the support will enable them to undertake more work which they otherwise would not be able to afford
- Be able to demonstrate their ability to carry out the proposed works
The project should also incorporate as many of the five programme themes as possible. These five programme themes, as well as some examples of qualifying projects, are listed below:
- Community Energy: examples include renewable energy projects (solar, hydro, wind), retrofitting community buildings, LED community lighting
- Travel: examples include improving access to cycleways, bike racks and bike repair stations, safer travel routes to schools
- Food and Waste: examples include developing community gardens and allotments, food and drinks markets, materials for repair hubs, community composting facilities
- Shopping and Recycling: examples include community repair hubs, swap shops, water filling stations, single use plastics elimination in communities
- Local Climate and Environmental Action: examples include mini forests and native species orchards
Further information
Closes for application at 4pm on Thursday, 29 February.
For further information, including the Community Climate Action Fund application form and further guidance, please contact:
Community Climate Action Officer
Linda Beirne
P: 043 334 34 42