Estate Management
Estate Management
The estate management unit acts as an effective liaison between tenants and the Housing department of Longford County Council. Longford County Council promotes good estate management practices and community empowerment, by encouraging the development of resident’s groups to manage their own estates. To encourage the continuing enhancement of estates, grant funding is available to encourage residents and resident groups to take an active role in improving the physical appearance of their estate. Our estate management team is available to meet with tenants, and tenant associations, on a regular basis to deal with issues that may occur. The unit also undertakes random stock condition checks to ensure compliance with the terms of the tenancy agreement.
The Estate Manager undertakes regular patrols in LCC housing estates in co-operation with the Garda Community Policing unit which is a positive step to highlight the co-operative relationships that exists in dealing with issues. Recently, the Tenancy agreement was updated include 11 additions around illegal dumping, requirement to engage with the local authority existing agreement in line with current policy and housing legislation.
A tenant handbook has been produced that sets out useful information in a clear and easily understood format. Topics covered in the handbook include:
- Landlord & Tenant responsibilities with regard to repairs
- Anti Social Behaviour
- Housing Options
- Local Authority Rents
- Tenancy Agreement
- Tenant Participation in Estate Management

View a copy of our GENERAL-INFORMATION-HANDBOOK-Copy.pdf (size 626.6 KB)
View Estate Management Complaints Form Complaint-Form-2022.docx (size 33.2 KB)
Anti Social Complaints can be sent by confidentially to