Taking in Charge of Completed Residential Housing Estates
The term “Taking in Charge” means that the Local Authority assumes responsibility for certain services located within the common areas and public areas associated with a particular estate. When a residential development is completed to the satisfaction of the Local Authority, the developer or the majority of home owners may make a written request to the Planning Department to have the estate taken in charge. The application may be made using the appropriate Taking in Charge application form (attached to the Policy - link below).
Longford County Council's Taking-in-Charge-Policy---Adopted-18.06.2008 and procedure in relation to taking in charge of private housing developments has regard to the requirements of Departmental Circular Letter PD 1/08 dated 26 February 2008 and DECLG circular PL5/2014, dated 5th November 2014 together with Section 180 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993.
Statement of Maintenance Services to be provided by Longford County Council once your estate has been taken in charge
When a resolution under Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 has been passed in respect of a residential estate, any or all of the following facilities that are located within the common areas of that estate shall also be deemed to have been taken in charge, unless those facilities have been expressly excluded in the resolution.
- Roads and footpaths;
- Public lighting infrastructure including associated electricity charges
- Fire hydrants and associated networks
- Public water supply, sewerage and storm water networks
- Wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and associated buffer zones, (including the associated electricity charges)*
- Water treatment plants and reservoirs (including associated electricity charges) and any associated protection zones;
- Open spaces;
*Note: Electricity Charges that were incurred prior to the Section 11 resolution shall not be the responsibility of the Local Authority.
The Council will not maintain open spaces such as lawns, trees, etc. It is recommended that the appropriate level of public liability insurance be at all times maintained by the management company/residents association. All estates must remain ungated.
Home owner applications:
The application form must be accompanied with the signatures of the majority of the residents within the estate.
What type of developments will not be considered for Taking in Charge
This policy sets out the conditions under which an estate would be considered for taking in charge. As a general rule it will not be the policy of Longford County Council to declare roads serving the following developments to be public roads under Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993.
- Apartment blocks
- Gated developments
- Holiday home type developments
The fee for issuing a letter confirming whether or not an estate has been taken in charge is €125. Such letters are issued by the Council’s Roads Department