Proposed Variation No. 5 to Longford County Development Plan 2015-2021
Proposed Variation No. 5 to Longford County Development Plan 2015-2021
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Longford County Council proposes to make a variation (Variation No.5) to the Longford County Development Plan 2015-2021. The proposed variation will provide for the amendment of policy CS2 in the Core Strategy of the current development plan to read thus:-
Policy CS2 (as inserted by Variation no.2, proposed amendment by Variation No. 5)
Functional roles of the larger towns shall be maintained and supported by the promotion of appropriate development in these areas and through the development management process and other mechanisms and initiatives, including the vacant sites levy, as opportunities arise. It is an objective of this plan to encourage and facilitate the appropriate development of sites and areas in need of development and renewal in order to prevent:
- Adverse effects on existing amenities in such areas, in particular as a result of the ruinous or neglected condition of any land
- Urban blight or decay
- Anti-social behaviour, or
- A shortage of habitable houses or of land suitable for residential use or a mixture of residential and other uses
Lands zoned for development within designated town and village envelopes (as indicated at Appendix 1A-1F) may include lands in need of development and/or renewal in the context outlined above and will be examined to determine if there are sites where the Vacant Site Levy is applicable for the purposes of regeneration under the provisions of Urban Housing and Regeneration Act 2015 and all associated regulations and guidance.
The reason for the proposed variation is to ensure that the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 can be applied for the purposes of regeneration in appropriate areas throughout County Longford.
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed variation made to Longford County Council within the said period will be taken into consideration before the making of the variation.
The Proposed Variation has been subject to SEA and AA Screening processes and SEA and AA Screening Reports and associated SEA and AA Screening Determinations accompany the Proposed Variation on public display.
Longford County Council invites interested parties or individuals to make submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Variation No.5 (and associated SEA and AA Screening Reports and associated SEA and AA Screening Determinations) during the public consultation stage from Friday 23rd October 2020 to Wednesday 25th November 2020 (both dates inclusive). Children, or groups or associations representing children, are entitled to make submissions or observations.
Proposed Variation No. 5 (including SEA and AA Screening Reports and associated SEA and AA Screening Determinations) may be inspected at the Planning Department, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford during the display period and at Longford Branch Library, Longford Town Centre during normal library opening hours. It may also be viewed or downloaded below.
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Variation (including SEA and AA Screening Reports and associated SEA and AA Screening Determinations) made to Longford County Council within the said period will be taken into consideration before the making of the Variation.
Submissions will be accepted by email to or by post to the address below within the above timeframe with “Longford County Development Plan 2015-2021 Proposed Variation No. 2” in the subject heading. Please submit in one format only.
Regeneration Section
Longford County Council
Great Water Street
Signed: John Brannigan
Director of Services
Dated: Friday 23rd October 2020
AA Screening Determination
Longford CDP Proposed Variation No. 5 AA Screening Report
SEA Determination
SEA Screening Report for Proposed Variation No. 5
Variation No. 5 LCDP
200801.2 EPA Submission Var5 LongfordCDP-2015-21
Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly
Dept. of Education
Northern & Western Regional Assembly
Irish Water
Office of the Planning Regulator