Annual Budgets

Annual Budget

Each year the Council is legally obliged to prepare and adopt a budget projecting income and expenditure streams for the following year, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2001. 

The budgets are prepared by the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Corporate Policy Group. 

The adoption of the budget is a reserved function of the elected members. The elected members are not bound to adopt the prepared budget and may amend it at their discretion. 

The budget is sub-divided into eight divisions, as follows: 

Division A: Housing and Building
Division B: Road Transport and Safety
Division C: Water Supply and Sewerage
Division D: Development Incentives and Controls
Division E: Environmental Protection
Division F: Recreation and Amenity
Division G: Agriculture, Food and The Marine
Division H: Miscellaneous Services

These Divisions are further broken down into services and sub-services which can be seen in the detail of the budget book.

Latest Annual Budget

See the latest 2025 Annual Budget

Previous Annual Budget