Stage 4: Material Alterations to Draft Plan - Public Consultation

Stage 4: Material Alterations to Draft Plan - Public Consultation

The Elected Council Members, having considered the Draft Longford County Development Plan 2021‐2027 and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, resolved, following Council meetings dated 14th April, 12th May, 9th June and 21st June 2021, to amend the Draft Plan. These amendments constitute a material alteration to the Draft Longford County Development Plan 2021-2027. Longford County Council has screened the Proposed Material Alterations and has determined that Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) are required with respect to certain Proposed Material Alterations.

The proposed Material Alterations, the associated SEA Screening Determination and SEA Environmental Report, AA Screening Determination and AA Natura Impact Report were available for public display from Monday 12th July 2021 until 4.00pm on Tuesday 10th August 2021 (both dates inclusive). 

The documents are available to view via the following links:

Proposed Material Alterations to Draft Plan:

SEA, AA of relevant Proposed Material Alterations:

Errata in Proposed Material Alterations to Draft Longford County Development Plan 2021 - 2027:

Volume 2: Appendices

Errata Cover Note - Material Alterations: Volume 2 Appendices

Chief Executive Report on Proposed Material Alterations Consultation Phase

The Chief Executive’s Report on the Material Alterations Consultation Phase was issued to the Elected Members in September 2021 and summarises the submissions received and outlines the Chief Executive’s Responses and Recommendations. 

Please click here to view the Chief Executive Report on the Material Alterations Consultation Phase of the Draft Longford County Development Plan 2021-2027. 

Please click here to see Stage 4: Submissions.