Information for newspaper notice.
The newspaper notice shall contain as a heading the name of the Planning Authority to which the planning application will be made and shall state:-
- the name of the applicant,
- the location, townland or postal address of the land or structure to which the application relates (as may be appropriate),
- whether the application is for permission for development, permission for retention of development, outline permission for development or permission consequent on the grant of outline permission (stating the reference number on the register of the relevant outline permission),
- a brief description of the nature and extent of the development, including:-
- Where the application relates to development consisting of or comprising the provision of houses, the number of houses to be provided,
- Where the application relates to the retention of a structure, the nature of the proposed use of the structure and, where appropriate, the period for which it is proposed to retain the structure.
- Where the application relates to development which would consist of or comprise the carrying out of works to a protected structure or proposed protected structure, an indication of that fact.
- Where the application relates to development which comprises or is for the purpose of an activity requiring an integrated pollution control licence or a waste licence, and indication of that fact, or
- Where a planning application relates to development in a strategic development zone, an indication of that fact, and
- That a planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of EUR20 within the period of
5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.
Please note: Where a planning application is to be accompanied by an E.I.S the notice shall also state:
- (a) that an E.I.S. will be submitted to the Planning Authority with an application
- (b) that an E.I.S. will be available for inspection or purchase during office hours at the offices of the Planning Authority.