Planning Application Forms
(A). Advice note on changes to planning forms
(B)--Planning-Application-Form.pdf (size 488.9 KB)
(C) Supplementary-Local-Need-Form-Copy.pdf (size 327.2 KB)
(D) Supplementary-Planning-Application-Form-for-Agricultural-Development-Copy-1.pdf (size 971.4 KB)
E) Traffic-Projections-Form
(F) Traffic-and-Transport-Statement
(G) Traffic-Impact-Assessment
(H) Road-Safety-Audit
(I) Guidance-Notes
(J) Approved Newspapers List
(K). Schedule of Fees
(L). Planning Application - Site Notice
(M). Planning Application - Further Information Site Notice
(N). Site Characterisation Form
(O) S.97-Exemption-Form-(Part-V)
(P). Building Control Introduction
(Q). Solar Architecture Principles
(R). Tree Felling Licence Notice
(S). Info note on construction products regs (pt 13)
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