Winter Service Plan

Winter Services Plan 2023-2024

Longford County Council's Winter Service Plan 2023-2024 outlines a framework for a planned and coordinated response to winter weather conditions that may impact the county's national, regional and local road network.

The plan follows the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and their Winter Service Manual.

There is also a Longford County Council Winter Maintenance Map which shows a full list of the routes and procedures to deliver the Winter Service Plan.   

Winter 2023-2024 in Longford

Longford County Council monitor road conditions from mid-October to April using detailed predictions from Met Éireann, roadside weather stations and ice prediction software.

Salting routes are based on agreed priority roads, meteorological data and previous experience. Gritting takes place when road frost, snow or ice is forecast. Generally, all national roads are treated. The gritting of regional and local roads is discretionary and based on resource availability and other considerations. 

In Longford, the Council's fleet of six trucks with mountable salt gritters treat roads. Longford County Council also has two lorry-mounted snow ploughs for use during times of significant snow and sleet. Gritting salt is supplied by the TII and the Department of Transport.

Service Limitations

Ice-free roads cannot be guaranteed as it is not feasible to treat all roads.

Roads are therefore designated a priority rating based on road classification, traffic volume carried, public transport usage and importance of the route on a national, regional or local level: 

  • Priority One Routes (national roads) and Priority Two Routes (regional and some local roads) are pre-salted, with salt spread following warnings of expected low temperatures. This reduces the likelihood of frost and ice forming.
  • Priority Three Routes are post-salted as resources allow. This is response-based, with routes treated during normal working hours if they become impassable and where resources are available.

Approximately 90% of roads are not routinely salted.

In heavy rain, salt can be washed away and the wet surface may subsequently freeze if the temperature falls below zero.

It can also take up to four hours to salt a route. Therefore, any journey may start or end on an untreated section of road.

In Ireland, many nights have temperatures close to zero. This makes it difficult to accurately predict frost and icy conditions. As a consequence, Met Éireann can only guarantee 80% accuracy in their forecasts.

Footpaths are not generally salted by Longford County Council. However, during prolonged severe weather, footpaths may be salted if resources are available.

Further information

Further information is available on Road Safety in Severe Weather