N4 Mullingar to Longford (Roosky)
N4 Mullingar to Longford (Roosky) project
The N4/M4 national primary route is 198km in length and connects Dublin (M50) to Sligo. The route passes through the counties of Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Westmeath, Longford, Leitrim, Roscommon and Sligo and provides connectivity and accessibility between various towns and villages it serves.
Westmeath County Council is working in association with Longford County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to develop a scheme to upgrade a 52km section of the N4 between Mullingar and Longford (Roosky), including the assessment of alternatives. This 52km section of the N4 is currently a single-carriageway road that passes through or close to several settlements, including Ballinalack, Rathowen, Edgeworthstown, Longford and Newtownforbes.
This section of the N4 between Mullingar and Longford (Roosky) is operating with traffic levels in excess of those catered for by the current road cross-section. Safety is compromised with over 500 at-grade junctions and private accesses along this section of the N4. This project intends to support the economic performance of the local and wider North-West region through the provision of improved transport infrastructure, whilst minimising the environmental impact of the transport intervention.
Previously a Preferred Route Corridor and Route Selection report for this scheme were published in July 2010 but at that time, due to funding restrictions further work on the project was suspended. Due to changes in environmental legislation, and design standards and to comply with the requirements of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Public Spending Code, it is now necessary to fully re-appraise the proposed project through the TII planning and design process, including Concept and Feasibility, Options Selection, Design and Environmental Evaluation and the Statutory Processes. As a result, studies carried out over a decade ago must be revisited.
Westmeath County Council has appointed ROD AECOM Consulting Engineers to advance the project through the planning and design process. Subject to annual funding, the design process will be developed in stages, with opportunities for the public to participate in the decision-making at each stage.
Public Consultation Process
The third public consultation on the N4 Mullingar to Longford (Roosky) project for the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor (EPRC) took place in July and August 2024, with in-person and online meetings.
Further Information
The official website for the project is N4MullingarToLongford.ie. Here, you can find out more about the N4 Mullingar to Longford (Roosky) project, including latest news, details on all public consultations, and contact details for enquiries.