Local Improvement Scheme
The Local Improvement Scheme provides funding to help local authorities in rural areas which are not under the normal maintenance of the Local Authorities.
The scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) and is administered through the local authorities. In 2023, Longford County Council received €593,350 under this scheme.
Apply for a Local Improvement Scheme grant
Two or more property occupiers engaging in separate agricultural activities can apply for a Local Improvement Scheme grant towards the construction or improvement of a non-public road.
Complete the Local Improvement Scheme Application Form. This application form also contains information on eligibility and terms and conditions which should be read before you apply.
Send your completed application form and required documentation to roads@longfordcoco.ie.
Applications are accepted all year round. However, funding under this scheme from the DRCD is not guaranteed every year.
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