Public Consultation: Drumlish village traffic calming measures
This public consultation period has now passed.
A non-statutory public consultation has taken place on proposed traffic calming measures works in Drumlish Village. Specifically, this work will include proposed junction reconfiguration at Drumlish Crossroads, Drumlish Village (Main Street, St Mary’s Street, Hill Road and Longford Road).
Longford County Council have prepared the Section 38 Public Consultation Report, and this report has concluded that the proposals should proceed, with some minor alterations. This decision to proceed has been formally recorded as a Chief Executive’s Order (Traffic Works Order) .
Further documents relating the project can be read below:
Appendix 1 Determination Report June 2024.
Appendix 2 Section 38 Guidelines (issued by the Department of Transport in Oct 2023).
Appendix 3 Drawing of the proposed Reconfiguration Works.