Public Consultation: Drumlish village traffic calming measures

This public consultation period has now passed. 

A non-statutory public consultation is taking place on proposed traffic calming measures works in Drumlish Village. Specifically, this work will include proposed junction reconfiguration at Drumlish Crossroads, Drumlish Village (Main Street, St Mary’s Street, Hill Road and Longford Road).

A number of recent incidents at the crossroads have highlighted a problem with traffic on the side roads (Main Street and Hill Road) not stopping as they approach the R198, which has priority at the junction. In several instances, vehicles have continued through the crossroads and have collided with traffic on the regional road. Although there have been some significant injuries, thankfully there have been no fatalities to date.

Proposed Project

The proposed project will involve the permanent reconfiguration of the existing crossroad in the middle of the town of Drumlish. This will require the alteration of the junction kerb lines, roadways and footpaths to improve safety and reduce speed.

These works involve changing the shape and configuration of the junction to eliminate straight-through traffic movements on the minor roads, thereby forcing traffic on these roads to yield to the traffic on the R198. The narrowing of the junction on all approaches will serve to reduce approach speeds. This will also improve pedestrian safety. It will also provide an opportunity to install some planted areas to soften the overall visual impact of the junction layout.

This work is aligned to the Guidelines on Traffic Works Procedures: Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act (1994)

Extent of the Proposed Project

The proposed development will consist of the following:

  • Alterations to the existing kerb lines at the junction
  • Increasing the size and area of the existing pavements to create larger build-outs
  • Alterations removals of small sections of the paths to accommodate the wheel tracking of large heavy goods vehicles through the crossroads
  • Narrowing of all four roads to reduce the risk to pedestrians using the crossing
  • Provision of raised pedestrian crossings at the Hill Road and Main Street approaches to the junction
  • Provision of new planted areas to improve the visual amenity of the junction

Making a Submission or Comment

The deadline for making a submission or comment has now passed.