58 No. Solar Powered Lights at Granard Urban Greenway
Project Description
The installation of 58 no. solar powered lights, 6.0m high, along the Granard Urban Greenway including all ancillary site works from GAA complex to the R194 Regional Road through the townlands of Carragh, Rathcronan and Higginstown.
Submissions with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, may be made by the following methods:
- Logging onto the Planning Portal by the following link https://planning.localgov.ie/en/part-8/application/04df9f66-4018-11ee-8ea1-00505688841d and uploading your submission electronically: to arrive no later than 11:59pm on Friday 29th September 2023.
- In writing to Longford County Council, headed “The installation of 58 no. solar powered lights, 6.0m high, along the Granard Urban Greenway including all ancillary site works” and addressed to Planning Section, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford to arrive no later than 4pm on Friday 29th September 2023.
- By email to submissions@longfordcoco.ie headed "The installation of 58 no. solar powered lights, 6.0m high, along the Granard Urban Greenway including all ancillary site works” to arrive no later than 4pm on Friday 29th September 2023.
Related Files
Newspaper Notice.pdf
Site Notice.pdf
Site Location Map.pdf
Landholding Map.pdf
Site Layout Plan 1.pdf
Site Layout Plan 2.pdf
Site Layout Plan 3.pdf
Site Layout Plan 4.pdf
Site Layout Plan 5.pdf
Solar Light Example.pdf
Solar Light - Foundation Details.pdf
Appropriate Assessment.pdf
Read the "Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of Longford County Council held on Wednesday, 8th November 2023" here
Chief Executives Report