Aghafad Pedestrian & Cycle Scheme

Project Description

Construction of the ‘Aghafad Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme’ to include the provision of a shared walking and cycling pathway from the factories at Aghafad, to link with the existing service road along the eastern boundary of Longford Slashers GAA at Farranyoogan, and thereby provide a connection onto the Royal Canal Greenway.

 The development will consist of:

  • Three metre wide, shared pathway, commencing to the immediate east of the existing Longford Slashers GAA entrance and proceeding approximately 400m south west along the L1127 to the Aghafad existing factory entrances, with uncontrolled crossing where required.
  •  Shared pathway to separately advance, approximately 290 metres north along the eastern boundary of Longford Slashers GAA with Prospect Wood, to include the partial redesignation of the existing service road for pedestrian / cyclist provision.
  • Raised pedestrian / cyclist crossing at the main Slashers GAA entrance, and separate raised pathway crossing to align with the reassignment of existing parking spaces for the purposes of pedestrian / cyclist connectivity to the front entrance door of Slashers GAA / Backstage Theatre.
  • Accommodation works to include boundary and entrance treatment to main entrance and that of the upper Slasher GAA / Backstage Theatre / Gaelscoil Longfoirt carpark, relocation / redesign of existing public lighting poles, signage, drainage, etc.



Submissions with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, may be made  by the following methods:

  • Logging onto the Planning Portal by the following link and uploading your submission electronically: to arrive not later than 11:59pm on Tuesday 4th July 2023.
  • In writing to Longford County Council, headed “Part 8- Aghafad Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme” and addressed to Planning Section, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford to arrive not later than 4pm on Tuesday 4th July.
  • By email to headed "Part 8- Aghafad Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme" to arrive not later than 4pm on Tuesday 4th July 2023.

Related Files

AA Screening.pdf (size 1.8 MB)

Slashers GAA Consent.pdf (size 1.7 MB)

Site Location Map.pdf (size 415 KB)

Proposed Cross Sections.pdf (size 1.7 MB)

Proposed Scheme Layout .pdf (size 3.9 MB)

Proposed Scheme Layout .pdf (size 4.5 MB)

Newspaper Notice.pdf (size 1.1 MB)

Site Notice.pdf (size 89.1 KB)

EIAR.pdf (size 238 KB)


Read the "Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Longford Municipal District held on Wednesday, 26th July 2023" here

Chief Executives Report.pdf (size 622.2 KB)