Granard Shared Footpath & Cycleway
Project Description
Proposed, shared footpath and cycleway provision along R194 (Longford Road / Market Street) and Barrack Lane, Granard, Longford.
The development will consist of:
- Upgrading of existing footpath of the R194 (Longford Road / Market Street) from Ardscoil Padraig Secondary School to Greville Court to facilitate shared footpath and cycleway provision.
- Upgraded length to include a raised controlled crossing, and additional raised crossings and junction tightening at L-5133-0, and Redmond’s Terrace (L-1069-0).
- New shared cycleway and footpath provision on the southern side of the existing service road from Greville Court to Barrack Lane and extending southward on the western side of Barrack Lane to Main Street, Granard.
- Proposal will include separate, new footpath provision on eastern side of Barrack Lane from the existing Eir Building to Main Street, Granard.
The proposed site extends over the curtilage of Record of Protected Structure (RPS) No. 330 of the current CDP 2021 – 2027.
Submissions with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, may be made by the following methods:
- Logging onto the Planning Portal by the following link and uploading your submission electronically: to arrive not later than 11:59pm on Monday 5th February 2024.
- In writing to Longford County Council, headed “Granard Shared Footpath & Cycleway” and addressed to Planning Section, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford to arrive not later than 4pm on Monday 5th February 2024.
- By email to headed "Granard Shared Footpath & Cycleway" to arrive not later than 4pm on Friday 5th February 2024.
Related Files
Newspaper Notice.pdf (size 1.2 MB)
Site Notice.pdf (size 350.7 KB)
AA Screening Report - R194 Pedestrian & Cycle Route.pdf (size 13.7 MB)
AA Screening - Market St. - Barrack Lane.pdf (size 20.9 MB)
Road Safety Audit - R194.pdf (size 1 MB)
RSA - Market St. to Barrack Lane.pdf (size 1.2 MB)
Landowner Consent - Kay Tully.pdf (size 33.7 KB)
Landowner Consent - Pat the Baker.jpg (size 106.3 KB)
Site Location Map.pdf (size 1 MB)
Site Layout Plan.pdf (size 841.2 KB)
Site Layout Plan.pdf (size 586.4 KB)
Typical Cross Sections.pdf (size 845.3 KB)
Read the "Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of Granard Municipal District held on Tuesday, 27th February 2024" here
Chief Executives Report.pdf (size 1.4 MB)