Construction of industrial/commercial building & ancillary common room/product display building at Knock, Lanesborough, Co. Longford
Project Description
Construction of industrial/commercial building & ancillary common room/product display building at Knock, Lanesborough, Co. Longford. This follows on from Part 8 Approval No.70 of 2019 and modifies the previously permitted development.
The development will comprise of:-
- Construction of single-storey industrial/commercial building of c. 1,100 sq.m to accommodate up to 8 individual or linked food production units.
- Ancillary single-storey 'common room' building of c. 82 sq.m with canopy structure over outdoor seating area of c. 105 sq.m.
- Associated works including signage, delivery & loading area for commercial vehicles, footpaths & cycleways, car parking, cycle racks, EV charge points, drainage, hard & soft landscaping including community garden with water feature.
Submissions with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, may be made by the following methods:
- Logging onto the Planning Portal by the following link and uploading your submission electronically: to arrive not later than 11:59pm on Monday 27th November 2023.
- In writing to Longford County Council, headed “Part 8 - Construction of industrial/commercial building & ancillary common room/product display building at Knock, Lanesborough, County Longford” and addressed to Planning Section, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford to arrive not later than 4pm on Monday 27th November 2023.
- By email to headed "Part 8 - Construction of industrial/commercial building & ancillary common room/product display building at Knock, Lanesborough, County Longford" to arrive not later than 4pm on Monday 27th November 2023.
Related Files
Description & Schedule of Documents
Newspaper Notice
Site Notice
Flood Risk Assessment
Appropriate Assessment Screening
Screening for EIAR Report
Site Location Map
Site Layout Plan
Site Sections
Plans & Elevations
Common Room - Plans, Sections & Elevations
3D Plans
Read the "Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of Longford County Council held on Wednesday, 13th December 2023" here
Chief Executives Report.pdf (size 845.4 KB)