Proposed Extension at 5 The Hollows, Glack
Project Description
Longford County Council has given notice of its intention to carry out development (‘the proposed development’) comprising of a 28.7m2 extension to the existing domestic dwelling at 5 The Hollows, Longford Co. Longford.
The proposed development will comprise of the following works:
- Block wall construction of extension to Southwest gable of dwelling.
- Extension to comprise of 1x Accessible Bedroom as per TGD Part M. 1x Wheelchair Accessible Bathroom in accordance with TGD part M.
- Associated Civil works to be carried out as required.
The works to construct the Extension will comprise of:
- Site clearance.
- Removal of an area of existing Gable wall & temporary works associated.
- Strip foundation to the relevant specification.
- Construction of new block cavity wall and tie in at existing.
- Erect new pitched roof, tiled with similar to existing.
- Changes to existing drainage parking bay and footpath layout.
- Ancillary, walls, gates adjusted for new entrance.
Submissions with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, may be made by the following methods:
- Logging onto the Planning Portal by the following link and uploading your submission electronically: to arrive not later than 11:59pm on Monday 26th June 2023.
- In writing to Longford County Council, headed “5 The Hollows, Glack, Co. Longford” and addressed to Planning Section, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford to arrive not later than 4pm on Monday 26th June 2023.
- By email to headed "5 The Hollows, Glack, Co. Longford" to arrive not later than 4pm on Monday 26th June 2023
Related Files
Report of Particulars of Proposed Development.pdf (size 601.2 KB)
Newspaper Notice.pdf (size 969.2 KB)
Site Notice.pdf (size 394.6 KB)
AA Screening.pdf (size 439.3 KB)
Site Location Map.pdf (size 433.4 KB
Site Layout .pdf (size 355.2 KB)
Drawings and Site Layout.pdf (size 1.4 MB)
Read the "Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Longford Municipal District held on Wednesday, 28th June 2023" here
Chief Executives Report.pdf (size 200 KB)