Shared pedestrian / cyclist bridge over River Camlin
Project Description
The proposed development will consist of:
1. Approximate 19m long, single-span, prefabricated pedestrian / cyclist bridge to extend over the River Camlin and existing Templemichael bridge abutments, resting on two newly formed concrete abutments.
2. 450m long, two-metre wide pedestrian and two-metre-wide cycleway connections on either side of the existing service road, extending from proposed bridge embankment to junction with N63 Ballinalee Road (N63), and to include tabletop crossing area and public lighting.
3. Landscaped, pocket-park extension to Mall Complex on opposite, eastern bank of River Camlin.
4. One 61 no. space access restricted car park, one 25 no. space public car park, and 9 no. roadside
parking spaces.
5. Works within the curtilage of a Record of a Protect Structure and all ancillary site works.
Related Files
Read the "Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Longford Municipal District held on Wednesday, 23 November 2022"here.
Chief Executives Report