No.102 - St. Rita's, Park Road
Project Description
Proposed Demolition of 1 No. existing single storey dwelling and the Construction of 2 No. 1 Bedroom
semi-detached single storey houses, 3 No. 2-Bedroom semi-detached single storey houses and 1 no 3-
Bedroom semi-detached single storey house, including boundary walls/fences, car parking, pedestrian
entrances, landscaping, connection to existing services and associated site works.
The subject lands are at St Rita’s on Park Road, adjacent to the R397 Ballymahon Road. The proposed
site boundary area is approximately 0.367 Ha. The existing property has an area of approximately 124m²
not including outbuildings. The site at St. Rita’s is in the ownership of Longford County Council.
The site itself was completely overgrown with trees, bushes, scrub, weeds and Japanese Knotweed which
is currently being treated since 2017.
The site is bounded: to the east by the Residential Estate of Glack; to the North by Park Road and
footpath; to the South by a housing development; and to the West by housing and rear garden area /
green space of adjacent housing development.
The site is ideally suited to housing and in particular to 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom dwellings
in line with Government requirements and due to its position in the center of the town and close proximity
to all amenities.
It is proposed to demolish the existing dwelling and outbuildings and develop the site to accommodate
the following:
• 2 No. 1 Bedroom houses with total floor area of 51m² each.
• 3 No. 2 Bedroom houses with total floor areas of 69m² each.
• 1 No. 3 Bedroom house with total floor area of 91m².
All existing main services such as water, storm, Eircom and electricity are available along the existing roads. Proposed connections can be made from each house separately. Irish Water will then carry out the connection to the new system when it is complete including all
reinstatement works
Submissions with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, may be made in writing to Longford County Council, headed “St. Rita’s, Park Road” and addressed to Planning Section, Longford County Council, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford to arrive not later than 4pm on Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Related Files
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