Ennybegs Cyclist and Pedestrian Improvement Scheme
Project Description
Construction of the ‘Ennybegs Pedestrian and Cycle Improvement Scheme’ to include c. 840m long shared pathway, approximately 3m in width, and ancillary site works along the L-1040-0 from St. Teresa’s National School to St. Mary’s Burial Ground at Clontumpher / Aghaboy, Ennybeys, County Longford.
The development will consist of:
- - Removal of existing roadside boundaries to include existing trees and hedgerows to accommodate the provision of a predominantly 3m wide shared bicycle and pedestrian pathway approximately 840m long along the southern side of the L-1040-0.
- - Installation of new setback fence-line and / or native hedgerow and tree placement along full length of proposed route.
- - Creation of new field entrance and improvement works to existing residential entrances and bridge walling along proposed route.
- - Provision of new street lighting, undergrounding of existing overhead services where considered necessary, and all ancillary site works.
- - Creation of a school zone in front of St. Teresa’s National School.
Related Files
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